Dae 002 | 康福茶

熱沖 /お湯出し / Hot Brewing


◗ 康福茶 | 日子福氣, 也安康
 馬鞭草薄荷 + 甘草 + 檸檬草
◗ コンフォーティングティー  日々幸せで、健康に
◗ ヴェルヴェーヌ + ミント + リコリス + レモングラス
 Comforting Tea | Bringing health and fortune to everyday life
◗ Verbena  +  Mint  +  Licorice  +  Lemongrass
A medley of delightful herbal fragrances that soothe the body and comfort the m
ind. Let the all natural herbal essences of our Comforting Tea empower and invigorate the body with vital energies, bringing health and fortune to everyday life.


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