Dae 004 | 生薑紅茶

◗ 熱沖 / お湯出し / Hot Brewing


生薑紅茶 | 讓日子暖起來
◗ 生薑  +  紅玉紅茶  +  錫蘭紅茶  +  洋甘菊
南投名間鄉的小葉種紅茶, 搭配南投生產的生薑。溫和微辣的口感,讓日子都暖起來了。🍵
生姜紅茶 ぽかぽか温まる日々に
◗ 紅茶 + 生姜
Ginger Black Tea | A little something to brighten the day
Black Tea  +  Ginger
A small leaf variety from Mingjian Township, Nantou, infused with fresh ginger to invigorate and improve metabolism. The rich blend of catechins and gingerol warms the body, while mild spicy flavors bring coziness to everyday life.🍵                                                                                                                                                                                                       


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