Dae 001|凍頂烏龍茶
◗ 冷泡 / 水出し / Cold Brewing ◗ 熱沖 / お湯出し / Hot Brewin
◗ 凍頂烏龍茶 | 好日子從一開始
◗ 青心烏龍
◗ 凍頂ウーロン茶 | 良い日は一から
◗ 烏龍茶
◗ Dong Ding Oolong Tea | A good day begins early
◗ Qing Xin Oolong
A good day begins early, when the sunlight is soft and mellow and the air bears traces of lightly roasted aromas. Small leaf variety, 40% semi-fermented, harvested from the hills of Nantou at elevations of 600m. The rich amber hues of the hot infused tea endows everyday life with warmth and fulfillment.