Dae 008 | 檸檬草紅茶
◗ 熱沖 / お湯出し / Hot Brewing
◗ 檸檬草紅茶 | 讓日子輕快起來
◗ 紅茶 + 檸檬草
◗ レモングラス紅茶 | 心弾む日々に
◗ 紅茶 + レモングラス
◗ Lemongrass Black Tea | A little lightness to invigorate the day
◗ Black Tea + Lemongrass
The small leaf black tea of Nantou Mingjian Township is blended with the tender shoots of natural lemongrass blades from Germany to infuse a tangy refreshing flavor into the mellow tea leaf. Mildly acidic lemon fragrances are always especially pleasurable, soothing, comforting, and gently uplifting.