{國內行銷活動} 台灣防疫戰役全紀錄 首映會

 茶日子 Dae by Day x 三立媒體集團 x Discovery 台灣戰疫全紀錄


2020三立電視台與國際頻道Discovery聯手打造「台灣戰疫全紀錄」,舉辦「台灣戰役全紀錄beating Covid-19首映會」,茶日子榮幸受邀參與盛會,將研發已久的新品_鬱金紫錐茶,以冷泡茶的形式提供給與會人員。


茶日子 Dae by Day x 三立テレビ x Discoveryチャンネル 台湾―コロナとの戦い記録




Dae by Day x Sanlih E-Television and Discovery  full-documentary on Taiwan's efforts to Covid19


It is so precious that Taiwan's epidemic prevention team and health care workers are working hard to protect people from Covid19 and allow them to live a normal life. 
Sanlih E-Television and Discovery, the international channel, together held the press conference, full-documentary on Taiwan's efforts to Covid19. Dae by Day was honored to be invited and present our new product, Turmeric Echinacea drink, in the form of cold brew tea to the attendees.




