Dae 011 | 金萱紅茶

◗ 冷泡 / 水出し / Cold Brewing     ◗ 熱沖 / お湯出し / Hot Brewin


◗ 金萱紅茶 | 苦後甘來的日子
◗ 台茶 12 號
栽植於南投海拔 400~800M的台茶 12 號,原本用來製作金萱烏龍,由於夏日採收的茶菁,製成茶葉後,茶湯較苦澀,於是茶農將夏茶焙製成小葉種的金萱紅茶,沖泡後的味道兼具金萱的奶香與紅茶的潤和,略帶天然蔗甜的回甘口感,就像日子裡苦後的甘來。


◗ 金萱紅茶 | 苦味の後の甘味
◗ 台茶 12 号紅茶
◗ Jin Xuan Black Tea | After the Bitter Comes the Sweet
◗ TTS #12 Jin Xuan Black Tea
TTES# 12 is grown at an altitude of 400-800 M in Nantou. It was originally used to make Jin Xuan oolong tea, but the leaves that are picked in the summer contain higher levels of catechin, causing the taste of the tea to become slightly bitter when it is processed into tea leaves. The tea farmers then decided to cultivate the summer tea into the Jin Xuan black tea, a variety of Camellia sinensis var. sinensis. The aroma of the brewed tea is a combination of the milky fragrance of Jin Xuan and the smooth taste of black tea, leaving a slight naturally sweet aftertaste, much like the taste of sweet success after bitter days.